Born on the 22nd September, 1997 with a total population of one hundred and thirty-five (135) students (76 females and 59 males), the School has today grown up to the total number of eight hundred and thirty five students. Each year, the number of applications received for admission has been very high. Due to space and the need to maintain standard, many applicants have been rejected. In effect, the entrance examinations to the school have been very competitive. Those admitted into the school have the challenge of proving their academic worth, even throughout their stay in the school. Due to the high Academic Performance of students, the school has won numerous laurels at the State Level, National Level and at the International Level. The students who distinguished themselves in various subjects, both in the Sciences and Arts, are now occupying high positions in both the private and the public sectors.
Like a dream, this young school is 25 years. This great citadel of learning was established on 22nd September, 1997 by St. Paul Anglican Church Jos. As a member of the church and a pioneer staff of the school, I am aware that the vision the then Vicar had and presented to the church was received by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and Church members with much sceptism and seen almost a mission impossible. It was by God s divine intervention that the then Vicar of the Church, then Rev. Canon Samuel C. Onuegbu ( later Venerable but now late) succeeded in convincing the church about the project. He stated that the church was ripe to own a Secondary School after fourteen (14) years of running a primary school ( St. Paul s Anglican Private School). From inception, the project received a fatherly blessing and support from the Bishop of Jos Diocese, the Most Rev. Dr. B.A. Kwashi, OON. Suffice it to say here that the school came into existence when Nigerians, especially people on the Plateau, were hearing for a saviour to rescue the secondary education in Nigeria.